2000 to 2009


2000 - 2003


十大赌博正规平台在线/圆形剧院合作 得到董事会的批准. 新的表演艺术中心将由十大赌博登录官网共享 College theater department, Circle 的atre, and Catholic Secondary Schools, making 这是一个很少黑暗的设施.


社区护理计划 begins at Aquinas in collaboration with University of Detroit Mercy and Saint Mary's 医疗中心.

On 9/11, the campus is transfixed as events in New York and Washington reveal the 美国历史上最严重的恐怖袭击. 一场自发的祈祷集会开始了 一百人去法蒂玛神社.

In September, the Aquinas theater program is revived with a production of Oedipus Rex in the Art and Music Center amphitheater, starring English professor Dan Brooks 俄狄浦斯和老俄狄浦斯. 罗斯玛丽·奥唐奈饰演约卡斯塔.

十大赌博登录官网的体育项目,由体育主管负责 特里Bocian, is named by the NAIA as a "Champions Character" institution, one of only 31 colleges 全国指定. 这一荣誉认可尊重、责任、正直, sportsmanship, and servant leadership in coaches and athletes.


的就职典礼 十大赌博正规平台在线名人堂和运动名人堂. 的 annual event, held on the Friday of 首页。coming weekend, honors individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to the college and community, or who have 在大学体育运动中有杰出的职业生涯.

十大赌博正规平台在线 and University of Detroit Mercy team up to offer a community-based 为西密歇根大学的学生提供护理课程.

的 十大赌博正规平台在线 Performing 艺术 Center, opened in 2003, is a unique collaborative venture, a building used year round by three different performing companies.

的 Ireland Program celebrates its thirtieth anniversary at 首页。coming. 成立于 the 1970's, it has become Aquinas's most successful foreign study program.


一个新的专业 可持续的商业 是否被添加到课程中. 十大赌博正规平台在线 is the first college in Michigan to offer an undergraduate degree in this emerging field that emphasizes the "triple bottom line" of profitability combined with social and environmental responsibility.

Men's tennis wins the Grand Rapids City Collegiate Championship. Track 赢得WHACchampionship. 篮球教练 戴夫锤 leads the Saints squad to national tourney appearances, Grand Rapids City Championships, 以及十年中期的WHAC冠军.



Classrooms in the Academic Building and Albertus Hall are outfitted with technology equipment, housed in a single unit, which includes controls for ceiling mounted projectors which allow for classroom presentations from the Internet, DVD/VCR viewing, sound 投影和ppt演示. 的 利用单位 迅速成为许多教师不可缺少的资源.

中北部认证协会 给予十大赌博登录官网7年的重新认证.

Athletic director 特里Bocian receives the Warren Reynolds Lifetime Achievement Award at the March of Dimes West Michigan Sports Award banquet at the Meijer Gardens.

校报更名为 十大赌博登录官网时代 to 圣. 10月,第一次谈话在 圣托马斯·十大赌博登录官网演讲 论天主教的知识传统 给出了.


的 College breaks ground for 的 Grace Hauenstein 图书馆, a reconfiguration and expansion of the Jarecki Center for Advanced Learning and Lacks Center. 长久的梦想 of the college, the free-standing library will contain up-to-date electronic equipment, expanded internet and e-book access, and a computer classroom. 那栋建筑 incorporates the Jarecki Center for Advanced Learning and the Lacks Center classrooms 会成为一个全面的学习中心吗. (左图)新恩典的奠基 Hauenstein library, a creative extension of the pre-existing Jarecki-Lacks Center.

竞争的舞蹈 第一次作为一项体育活动.

Nobel Prize winning Irish poet 谢默斯希尼 appears as part of the Contemporary Writers 2005-06赛季.

的 major in sustainable business stresses the close interconnection between environmental 责任感和良好的商业惯例. Matt Tueth教授在这里讲课 在阿拉斯加实地学习期间.

2006 - 2009


在一月份的一次教职工联合大会上, 哈里·诺普克总统 announces he will retire at the end of June to pursue other life options. 一个搜索 committee is formed of the members of the 校董会 and the officers of the 教职工大会. During spring and summer, a nationwide search is conducted 作为替代品. Knopke's legacy includes increased offerings in foreign study and service opportunities, the first new residence halls built on campus in thirty years, and Aquinas's ranking in the upper tier of Midwest colleges in the annual U.S. 新闻 和世界报告连续几年排名.

5月10日——获得诺贝尔奖的诗人 谢默斯希尼 reads before an overflow crowd as the concluding event of the 2005-2006 当代作家系列.

7月 & August - 的 library prepares to move from its old cramped quarters in the 教学楼迁至新址. 作为转换的一部分,每个标题在 collection is re-catalogued from Dewey decimal to 图书馆 Congress numbers. In late August, the move takes place, using a professional library-moving company to transport the library holdings to the new, more spacious quarters in the Grace Hauenstein图书馆.

September - 的 Grace Hauenstein 图书馆 opens its doors to the Aquinas Community. 的 building, designed by Progressive AE, becomes the first on campus to receive the U. S. Green Building Council's Silver LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental 设计)认证.

Inside the Grace Hauenstein 图书馆, the computer carrels allow for full internet access as well as access to all 十大赌博正规平台在线 computer programs.

的 Grace Hauenstein 图书馆 at night shines like a beacon of learning.


5月23日——校董会宣布C. 爱德华·巴洛格博士.D. 已被任命 作为学院的第六任校长. Dr. 巴洛格自2000年以来一直担任该学院的教务长 served as interim president of Aquinas since 7月 1, 2006. 他是全票当选的 at the 校董会 meeting on May 22, 2007 and assumes his new role 7月 1, 2007. On October 26, festivities are held across campus to celebrate the inauguration C. 爱德华·巴洛格博士.D. 作为十大赌博正规平台在线的第六任校长.

小帕特里克·迈尔斯. (left), Chairman of the 十大赌博正规平台在线 校董会, and Monsignor William Duncan (center), Vice Chair of the 十大赌博正规平台在线 校董会, 祝贺博士. C. 爱德华·巴洛格在就职典礼上.

巴洛格总统和学生们在巴洛格万岁! 庆祝他的就职典礼 2007年10月. “万岁!巴洛格”t恤立即成为收藏家的收藏品.

(At left:) 的 new artificial turf soccer field is blessed by Deacon Dennis Williams, 在女足队员的协助下. 十大赌博登录官网成为其第一个团队 在人造草坪上比赛. 该场地也可容纳男子和女子 长曲棍球.


霍尔姆斯100周年纪念 is celebrated with production of a special commemorative DVD, restoration and maintenance of the historical building exterior, and a special luncheon with descendants of the Lowe family who once owned the estate on which the college stands.